Many people seeking advice on their future career or college admissions seek a career counselor or life coach to help them to make a sound decision. In my practice in Mill Valley I am not a psychotherapist, but I see many teens and young adults having issues with promiscuity, alcohol or drugs. But these behaviors or prescription medications don’t provide lasting relief for this part of their journey to growing up.
For today’s teens a lot of what they are going through is actually normal, biological adolescent behaviour and it’s the intensity of competing demands on them at this stage of transition that is actually tending to make them seem oppositional, stressed out or wanting to escape.
Here’s a facebook live video from an interview held at San Francisco Radio Station KGO Radio where we talked about my book and some of these points.
Where your teen is doesn’t seem to be giving them, (or you) what they expected. The popular routes can be too much – causing anxiety or depression, and throughout it all there are peer pressures bearing down on them as well. This can be difficult to endure for a sensitive minded teenager who has different ideals for their future, and suffers alone, not knowing quite where they fit in.
You can hear the full interview below, where I go into depth about some of these themes and issues, that may be affecting your teen. The beginning of change starts with a simple small step. You are welcome to drop me an email or leave me a message to explore the possibility of working together.
The interview audio below runs to just over a half hour and is a wide ranging and interesting listen. Check it out and let me know what you think.
[Begins 3.24]