Why The Good Men Are Fighting Back

Why The Good Men Are Fighting Back Men have gotten a extremely bad rap in the last decade. I’m not here to defend most of them. Just some of us – with a vengeance. From articles in the popular media like the Wall Street Journal recent feature “Where Have The Good Men Gone?” (the author…

No Ordinary Mentoring!

Periodically but not infrequently, I get emails from other practitioners who find my site and want to collaborate or train with me. They read what I write  on my website and find a parallel between what I am offering and what they either feel they are doing or what they want to be doing. Mentoring…

How MythoSelf Empowers Parents

I have had an enormous response to the email I sent out earlier this week, announcing the Intentional Awareness Training, schedule for June 10-12th located in Novato, California. A number of you asked for more information, particularly about how this work applies to parenting. I think this timely story will bring it all home: A…